Halloween is coming! When I am so upset about what should to bring out for everybody visit my blog, I just find this equipment from Inhabitat. I can bring you some of the most bizarre and dark eco products. So hold on your breath, this pin hole skull camera crafted by sculpture artist Wayne Martin Bleger. The piece, entitled Third Eye, is part of a small collection of eerie photography equipment made from metal, precious stones, and human skull with 150-year-old!
The device works by briefly exposing film inside the skull. And just like other pin hole cameras, there are no lenses, battery powered flashes, or any ability to zoom in on a subject. Bleger says he prefers this low-tech photo capturing method, because it’s the most “true representation of a segment of light and time – a pure reflection of what is at that moment.” I think this device is really so creepy. Maybe you want to own one in your Halloween. But what a pity! It’s not for sale even though you own $1 billion. About $1 billion, if you own so much money, what will you do? Do you want to spend all of them on a family home?
A $1 billion family home was completed in Mumbai, India and shaked me for a long time! The Greenest of all Buildings, Antilia house which unveiled its first renderings just over two-years ago has become a frightening reality, egregiously boasting 27 stories at 568 feet high, with a total area of over 398,000 square feet of living space. This kind of building is unprecedented and right now it appears in India — a country which constructed within estimated to have one-third of the world’s poorest population. The Antilia truly exemplifies the disease of excessive consumption, extreme wastefulness, and unsustainable living that is permeating today’s society.
This design combines Dr. Criswell’s ideas with an approach towards creating Earth-normal gravity on the lunar surface using a massive rotating torus. Both concepts are hypothetically feasible, but unfortunately, far from achievable in the present day. So, this kind of building still be a theory and just a design.